Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Memo: How to put a character below or under a word?

Use \underset and \overset

    \hat{P} = \underset{P}{\text{argmin}}\{F(P)\},

You will get

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Memo to use matplotlib.legend

Assume the legend example is like this
  • fig1.legend(E_on, ejection, loc = 7)
E_on is figure vector, ejection is string vector, loc is the location of legend.

You can use append to construct E_on and ejection
  • E_on.append(fig1_on.plot(x[k][j], y[k][j]))
Then you will get a very good legend figure like this.

Memo to use matplotlib.use( )

Just remind myself to use matplotlib.use( ).

If you claim the matplotlib.use( ) to save figure in a given format, just need to define it in your main python file.
Otherwise, you will get a error message about this function.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Conflict problem between IntelProSet and Hcontrol

I have a problem on my laptop (W5g00AE) disrupting me for a long time and it is getting more and more serious.
It's a software conflict problem between IntelProSet Apps and Asus ATK100, actually the problem is hcontrol.
The condition is unstable, sometimes is good, other is not. And it also effect the TKIP protocol to access wireless probably.

ATK100 is included a software called hcontrol which manage the function keys, audio switch, wireless/bluetooth switch, etc.

You can download the lastest version of ATK100 in Asus download service webpage,
Category is Notebook->W5000 Series->W5AE (W5g00AE)->Others

Somone provided a good solution in Chinese.
After all, you can use new driver (, my old driver version is 9.0.19) with old IntelProSet application.
Don't execute the installer from Asus webstie. Just update your driver by hardware manager. It's much safer.

But I got a problem with conflict on family code of IntelProSet apps, and I cannot use Apps in old version. I think there is a process to check version of driver and version of apps. 
Hope you are more lucky than me. I uninstall the IntelProSet and use the lastest wireless driver now. Of course, hcontrol is working fine now.
Something happened after I reinstall drivers and apps. I can install apps in old version now.
And then I have 2 solutions now.
  • Update driver only and use old veriosn apps
  • Use the lastes apps and driver from IntelProSet
I tried another solution. Direct download from website from IntelProSet,
The driver of wireless is updated to and the apps is still conflicting with hcontrol.

So I copy the lastest driver folder in Program Files/Intel/Wifi/, uninstall all lastest apps and install old apps.

So far, it's stable now. I use the latest driver, without IntelProSet and hcontrol is working.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Note: matlpotlib - A problem of using set_xlim

There are the same problem of using set_xlim in matplotlib with using legend.

So plotting all data first before customize your figures is much better.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Note: matlpotlib - A problem of using legend

legend cannot use before you plot data in figure.
You have to plot, bar, or use any figure command to put data into the target figure object.
And then use legend to label your data.

How to Locate the legend label?
Assign a vaule to "loc=". There are three kinds of assignment.
  1. location string: 'best' or 'upper right'
  2. location code: 0, 1, 2...
  3. (x, y) = x is the percentage from bottom, y is the percentage from left.
For example,
’best’ : 0, (only implemented for axis legends)
’upper right’ : 1,
’upper left’ : 2,
’lower left’ : 3,
’lower right’ : 4,
’right’ : 5,
’center left’ : 6,
’center right’ : 7,
’lower center’ : 8,
’upper center’ : 9,
’center’ : 10,


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