Wednesday, March 5, 2008

算術平均數(mean),幾何平均數(Geometric mean),調和平均數(Harmoic mean)

兩數X1,X2的算術平均數(mean, arithmetic average) = (X1+X2)/2
兩數X1,X2的幾何平均數(Geometric mean) = sqaure(X1*X2)
兩數X1,X2的調和平均數(Harmonic mean) = 2*X1*x2/(X1+X2)
兩數X1,X2的平方平均數(Quadratic mean) = square((X1^2+X2^2)/2)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

login then nothing happen. 登入沒反應

If you log in one website, nothing happen. But you use another PC and login successfully, you can delete your cookie and try it again.

檔名太長,無法刪除. file name is too long to delete.

I met a problem about dealing with the files which is generated by some programs, like weka.
If the name of the files are too long, I found that I can't delete them.
There some hits about the problems in the above URL.
It mentioned about using another tools which can browse files with long path.
So I use some kinds of file manager software, named free commander, it works.
Its download page is
And there are a lot's kinds of file managers, I think they are all able to delete the files with long path or long name.

很剛好的,為了整理論文,所以我灌了free commander這個軟體,發現真的可以刪除了。


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